Welcome, i’m chris

it’s wonderful that you’ve found you’re way here.

Kobe 2016

Personal Photo from Kobe, Japan in 2016

I’m a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and an amateur philosopher, with a passion for critical thinking and self improvement. As a survivor of over 35 years of narcissistic and domestic abuse, I‘ve learned a lot. I share tools, strategies, insights, and guides to help everyone and anyone looking to grow beyond their trauma and pain, and to heal. Join me in my own personal quest for improvement. I can help you find hope again.

+Chris Gritti, Mental Health Coach+

Do you have difficulty letting go of the toxic people in your life?

You’re not alone. 

I’ve suffered from this problem for most of my life, but I’ve learned some excellent tools and strategies for overcoming it. In this video I talk about how to identify and break trauma bonds:



Get on your own team

Quite often we spend our days just trying to survive, to pay bills, to feed our children, and so on. We forget or ignore our own needs and care. We look outside ourselves for approval as we desperately try to be someone other than who we are.

But you can’t not be who you are. You always are who you are. Which means “trying” to be someone is pointless since it’s impossible to be anybody other than who you are.

Perfection is a direction, not a destination
— Choose progress over perfection

The great news is this means there’s nothing wrong with who you are. How could there be? It is impossible to measure such things. There are no broken people only those who are lost in their pain and those who are not.

Those who are lost are lost within a mental maze of their own individual creation throughout their lives.

I act as a GPS keeping you on route to the exit of your maze. You tell me where you want to go and I help keep you aimed at that goal. I don’t have magic words or legendary optimism to teach you, but I don’t believe you need them to solve your maze. What I do have are mental exercises and strategies that can help you find your way out of your mind maze, and navigate your life in a more joyful and balanced way.

Guided Meditation with Chris

Mindfulness Haiku.

Meditation coloring page from Gritti’s Unapologetically You Journal.

No one can make me feel anything, they can only inspire me to feel things.
— grounded ownership of emotions
it’s okay if people don’t like me
— insecurity recovery affirmation