InteGritti Design MeaniNgs
Every product in my store is designed to help increase mindfulness and therefore for positive growth in our society
Honest Human - I don’t like lying. As a human I understand that being honest isn’t always easy or even wise. However, being mindfully honest takes practice, and I am setting the intention to be more mindful about honesty both from others and to myself.
On My Honor - I am setting the intention and announcing that I will act with integrity, and do what is right to the best of my ability. More importantly I will do this even when nobody is watching. I don’t do it for attention, praise, or gain.
Reflect - the heart of mindfulness is reflection. Taking the time to consider, or review. I set the intention to be more mindful by taking more time to reflect before I respond. It is mindfulness through reflection that saves us from reacting from a place of pain instead of responding from a grounded sense of self.
Breathe - one of the simplest and most effective ways to regain balance is to bring our awareness back to the breath. To breathe mindfully is a fundamental tool on the path of integrity.
Yell=Chip - this one might not be for everyone. I have found in my life that more often than not when I get heated and begin to yell the heart of my problem is the chip on my shoulder. The trauma induced trigger that caused me to forget myself, and become angry. This one is me setting the intention to be mindful of when I’m yelling and to check myself to see if it’s due to a “me” problem or not before responding.
Won’t Fake - I am not a big fan of the fake it till you make it mindset, and I know that’s an unpopular opinion. However, I prefer to be authentic and genuine and remain unnoticed than to be disingenuous to gain attention. I won’t fake it till I make it. I will simply continue to walk with integrity
Stay Mindful