My 7 Daily Affirmations
It’s okay if people don’t like me.
No matter what you do.
No matter how close you come to becoming the best version of yourself.
There will always be people who don’t like you, don’t vibe with you.
Nobody has ever attained the title “Universally Liked” by all human beings.
It’s okay, accept it.
Nothing to say, that’s okay.
Empty air in a conversation can be awkward, and my habit has been to fill that uncomfortable silence with more conversation.
It took me a long time to realize that the “uncomfortable” part of the silence might be subjective.
Meaning I might the only one who is uncomfortable in those silences and I’m projecting that everyone else is as uncomfortable as I am.
In fact, many people are more comfortable in the silence.
Now when I find myself confronted by a dreaded lull in the conversation, I remind myself “Nothing to say? That’s okay!” then I can focus on why it feels so uncomfortable for me and learn to get a handle on my disadvantageous, trauma conditioned, and fallacious mindsets.
Choose progress over perfection.
Perfection is a concept, an idea.
It’s a direction we reach for and as we do, we progress bit by bit and grow as human beings.
Perfection is a direction, not a destination.
If you are getting better than you were, then you’re doing it right.
There is no law if fairness.
Like perfection, fairness is an idea.
Fairness is a human made concept speaking to our inherent appreciation for reciprocity as social animals.
Fairness isn’t a given, it isn’t a right, and that means none of us are entitled to it.
For things to “feel fair” people have to protect it and maintain it.
The world is indifferent to your life’s positives or negatives because is doesn’t separate the two as humans do.
We don’t deserve things to be fair, but we can we agree and make them fair, and if someone doesn’t agree then we can choose not to engage further with them.
Walk more than you talk.
These days people talk a lot, and I mean most people talk more than they do anything else. Bragging, Promoting, Complaining, and so on are all examples of talking.
You don’t need to do any of them to actually do things.
If you are a good song writer then write songs and let you work speak for you.
If you are in good shape and enjoy working out then good for you keep going.
If you great with numbers, great at “reading” people, great at cooking, hunting, driving, photography, sex, WHATEVER, then let your work speak for itself.
Basically, if you keep busy walking, getting stuff done, then you don’t feel compelled to talk about it as much.
What’s point of telling people what you can do when you can do it, and show them.
Humble Bragging is still bragging.
If you know it, own it.
Speaking aloud doesn’t make it more true.
Appreciate the little things
It is so flipping easy to focus on the negatives. I overslept, it’s raining, the bread has mold, I’m out of beer, I haven’t gone to the gym in a week.
Mom/Dad doesn’t approve of my lifestyle, sexuality, profession, etc.
Still every day things go well too. We just don’t tend to notice when things are going well because we aren’t fighting uncomfortable feelings.
If we get up on time and get the coffee brewing, win
If we get to the gym, win
If we get the report in on time, win
If we chose to live our lives following our passion and being confident in who we are and who we love no matter what our parents think, win.
The last one isn’t little, but appreciating the little things has led to seeing the bigger things worth appreciating in my life.
Nobody can make me feel anything, they can only inspire me to feel things.
My feelings are mine.
My thoughts are mine.
Other people’s feelings are theirs.
Other people’s thoughts are theirs.
If someone shares one of their thoughts with me, I am under no obligation to adopt it as one of mine, Period. I choose.
Others can convince, inspire, terrorize, and manipulate me to change my mind, but I always retain the power of my own free will.
My feelings are my reactions to the thoughts that come into my mind.
Some of those thoughts are mine, some are offered to me by others, and other thoughts come from who know where?
So, when I feel something, its coming from within me. Its not being put there by someone or something outside of me.
My feelings are mine, and my responsibility.
Its more liberating than you might think.
Some final thoughts
I ask you to remember that I’m sharing tools that work for me, and I’m am in no way forcing or presuming to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I don’t like when others “should” me without consent anymore than anyone else. These affirmations are part of my personally calibrated mental health process, and I know they work for me. These mindsets have helped me stay grounded throughout the process of learning to love myself. I like to say, for the first time in my life, I finally like myself. I have faith that these tools will continue to keep me grounded, and one day, maybe soon than I can even imagine (probably not) I will get to place of mental resiliency and emotional self-regulation. On that day I’ll be able to genuinely say I love myself…maybe.
So that is why I’m sharing this with you. Whoever you are, where ever you are I hope you find mental resiliency and emotional self-regulation as well. I also acknowledge that you may resonate with different mindsets than these, so add these to your mental database if, and only if, they resonate with you. The affirmations that don’t resonate, speak to our different journeys and challenges in life, but they don’t make us at odds.
Sending support to everyone out there taking responsibility and doing the shadow work, going to therapy, getting involved in support group, and most importantly not giving up.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear some of your favorite affirmations as well.
Stay Mindful