The Illusion of Separateness

Insight -InteGritti Wall Art

My thoughts on the illusion of separateness

There are a great number of examples of human beings, either individually or collectively, behaving as if they are separate within themselves and from others. For the individual this manifests as belief in the ID, the subconscious, the shadow self, and/or a soul. When it comes to groups of humans this illusion manifests itself as tribal behavior fighting over territory and resources. Humans group up, label another group of humans as “other” and in that moment create an illusion of separateness. Like it or not but this manner of behavior very closely parallels that of chimpanzees,

Quite a lot of humans believe they are cosmic visitors transported to Earth from another realm entirely. How is this ongoing energy migration happening? According to humans who believe this theory, there is a “separate” essence, or soul, that enters a human body at some time during gestation phase of pregnancy but it’s vague. That same essence pilots the body during the human’s mortal life, and then migrates back to wherever I came from after the body expires. These humans spend the majority of their lives strongly believing they are a combination of separate things working together like a team. If the separate entities of Mind, body, and soul learn to work together they can collectively share the fulfilling experience of a human mortal life.

Do any other life forms on Earth do this? Does every life have this cosmic essence driving it while it exists? Do chimpanzees have souls, or elephants, or dogs, or octopuses, or birds? We have no evidence or reason to believe that any other life on Earth is not native to our planet. So it’s just humans???? I don’t buy it. We know animals exhibit behavior that strongly suggests feelings of some kind, and we know plenty of plants species that do as well.

I believe that the so called soul is the equivalent of Dumbo’s magic feather. Dumbo didn’t believe he could fly, so his friend gives him a feather and tells him it’s magic. Without his fear stopping him he took off into the sky. Humans are afraid of their mortality and therefore afraid to live, but with a magic “eternal soul” there’s no need to be afraid. So they live their lives less fearfully because they believe their soul is immortal.

They live their whole life with the strong belief that they are not one whole being, but many. I say this is another example of the illusion of separateness.

I am an individual consciousness. A contained human unit. My mind is a product of my biology. There is no real border within us mentally between the “mind” and the “body”. We discuss them separately because breaking complicated concepts down is how we learn and attempt to understand. We create the illusion of separateness to study ourselves and our world, but it is still an illusion Nonetheless.

I am one complete human being. Complicated and difficult to understand, but complete regardless. I am not half a heart searching to be completed by another. For that to be true I’d have to create an illusion that I am lacking in some way. It Doesn’t resonate as a healthy or wise mindset to me.

Before I go too far down the rabbit whole here with illusion of separateness within a human individually, I’d like to touch on the tribal groups and their illusions of separateness. I will attempt to be concise, but I promise nothing.

Humans are one group, not separate. However, we are a part of the great ape family. Sooooo then maybe I should say: Apes are one group, not separate.

Note to reader, if you just felt offended, you are responding like an ape.

But wait, apes are a member of the mammal family as well. That would make Mammals are one group, not separate. Remember differences and diversity aren’t relevant in this context. We are exploring the illusion of separateness, but hopefully you are getting the idea so I’ll speed this up a bit no make it less repetitive.

Mammals are a part of the Animal family, and the animals family is a part of the organic life family, and all life one Earth shares the planet as home, even the innert matter such as rocks are a part of our existence here on Earth.

Earth is one group, not separate or incomplete. Earth is a part of the planet family…now hopefully I’ve made my point.

Separateness only exists through conscious perception, which is limited in its capabilities.

The Universe is one group, not separate.

I only share my individual subjective perception here, and if my perspective is uncomfortable for you dear reader please know that is not my intention. I simply wish to share my mind on this matter of the illusion of separateness. Perhaps a wiser human could express it better, and if so I hope someday they will.

Stay Mindful


Nitti Gritti

Greetings from Chris

Hi there, I’m Chris (Nitti) Gritti and I’m a Mental Health Coach.

Lets just keep this clear and simple for full transparency.

I am not a college educated psychologist nor can I prescribe medications.  I am certified in cognitive behavioral therapy, but the bulk of my knowledge comes from life experience.  Tons and tons of trial and error which equals tons and tons of mistakes.  Those mistakes taught me that radical self acceptance, self love, and core confidence all come from choosing to let go of the victimhood identity and embracing the responsibility of the outcomes of our life choices. 

I’ve found my passion in helping others get on their own team and believe in themselves again. I am not the right Mental Health Coach for everyone, but I might be the right fit for you, so look around. Check out my content on YouTube and IG if you don’t get a clear vibe on me here at the site. No matter what i want to commend you for looking for someone to help you, and I wish you the best in finding the right therapist for you. 

Be Unapologetically You.

It’s okay if people don’t like you.

Mahalo and Aloha,

Chris Gritti


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