Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound
In solitude, like Prometheus I reside,
Enlightenment's truth burning deep inside.
But society's fear, a cage bound tight,
Keeps me away from public light.
Oh, how I yearn to share this wisdom true,
To guide others towards peace anew.
But alas, they turn deaf ears, blind eyes,
Unwilling to embrace what truth implies.
So what does one do when answers abound,
Yet nobody seeks the knowledge profound?
Patience, my friend, is the virtue to hold,
For truth's power is a story untold.
Keep the flame within, burn bright and strong,
Let your inner peace inspire a song.
Though unheard now, the future may reveal,
A receptive world hungry for the real.
Stay steadfast, like Prometheus unbound,
Your voice, one day, will resound.
For knowledge cannot be silenced forever,
Just wait for the moment, when minds will endeavor.
In the meantime, cherish your sacred space,
Embrace the solitude, find solace and grace.
And know, dear Prometheus, your light will shine,
Illuminating hearts, when it's their time.
Stay Mindful