Overgeneralizing is the process of extending the characteristics of a number of elements from a group, in a way that is not reasonable.
Or more simply put, it is generalizing too much. The overgeneralizing mentality generally comes from using past experiences to give you the faith that the future will follow a certain pattern. Quite often that pattern leads to an undesired future.
A couple of examples
It hasn’t worked in the past, so it’s not going to in the future.
Those types of people will never learn to change.
Someone who overgeneralizes lives in a world of categories and stereotypes. They tend to lump other people into types, and then assume they understand them because of past experience with said types. Which just allows them to reaffirm their cognitive bias.
Phrases like “all ___ are bad“, or “everything I do fails“ get stuck on repeat in their minds, which intern negatively impacts their motivation and drive.
It is so important to remind ourselves that perspective is subjective. Anytime we find ourselves in a situation that causes us to overgeneralize, we need to remember that the situation looks different to different people. Yours is not the only way to see things.
Generalizing is understandable, and even wise at times, but overgeneralizing more often than not limits our view. There are exceptions for almost everything. Details are important.
Tip to avoid overgeneralizing
Search through the thoughts and ideas you hold that are generic or very broad. Do you have any sweeping generalizations that you say often? Are there any examples of exceptions to those generalizations? If the answer is yes, then you may be overgeneralizing.
Stay Mindful